Cecilia Mariani, UIMLA Certified International Mountain Leader

Cecilia Mariani
Cecilia Mariani

Cecilia is Italian and an absolute lover of the Alps. She grew up in northern Italy, not far from the mountains. After spending many years training and working in the UK and Ireland she came back to her home country (and the sunshine!) to guide people through the mountains that she loves.

Cecilia is a qualified International Mountain Leader and has been working in the outdoors for many years. If you're on a trip with her, you'll learn everything about alpine flowers, try all the traditional foods, and spend more time napping on the grass than ever.

Before starting a career in the outdoors, her former true love was foreign languages. She is a trained and qualified translator. She also writes articles for various outdoor magazines and blogs. When she's not working, Cecilia can be found outside more often than inside, walking, climbing, or swimming, and generally enjoying the sun.

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